Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Surgery and Devices

Temporal Lobe Resection

12/2005 | 0 Comments

Hi. First time here. I've had "diagnosed" epilepsy for about 8 years. I don't consider it a "pain", but my doc wants me to do this test next week...
yoohoo, i'm home.

12/2005 | 2 Comments

Just spent four months in hospital with a fractured skull, my third. picked up a postage stamp sized dead bit in my head. My brain must look like a...
Anyone out there have VNS?

11/2005 | 1 Comments

My name is Eric and I have had Epilepsy for more than 25 yrs. they have never been under complete control. So on nov. 11 I was implanted with the VNS...
Right Temporal Lobe Surgery

11/2005 | 1 Comments

My right temporal lobe was removed 36 years ago. I find that I'm having a HORRIFIC time remembering the easiest of things, dropping names I've known...
Implants v. medication

09/2005 | 4 Comments

Son has epilepsy diagnosed since 17 years old. Participated in drug/alcohol abuse for two years, which brought on his first seizures. He is now 25...
Karen's Surgery

09/2005 | 1 Comments

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you know that my sister Karen has come through her ltl surgery with flying colors. She was operated on Wed and is...
Frontal Lobe Surgery

09/2005 | 0 Comments

My 16-year-old daughter is a candidate for surgery. She has epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures and lots of sub-clinical seizure activity (no physical...
Surgery Date Set

09/2005 | 4 Comments

HI Everyone, Wanted to let you know that my sister Karen will be having her LTL surgery on Wed , Sept 7th. Kind of nervous which is normal, but she...
Post surgury scar tissue

08/2005 | 1 Comments

So far, it is looking like I will have surgury to remove a cavernous heamangioma from my left temporal. I will be having my third MRI in 3 weeks to...
Brain surgery

08/2005 | 1 Comments

Im kinda new to this site. My name is michael, Im from SC, and just recently back in April had a temperal lobatomy. Well so far so good. Im doing...

08/2005 | 1 Comments

Thx a million! Anyway I have no choice,the only thing I can do is to take all these medicines over and over again and pray that maybe one day a...

08/2005 | 1 Comments

Hi, Paola. Your English is very good! "Most doctors I asked in my country(what is Poland)told me surgery is only for people for whom epilepsy is a...
Long term memory

08/2005 | 3 Comments

Hi, I recently read an article on memoryloss in a dutch epilepsy-magazine. It said that surgery and VNS can help a lot of epileptics with...
WADA testing

08/2005 | 8 Comments

I am having a Wada test in a few weeks. I dont know what to expect other than the vague and somewhat scary description I have read from my doctors...

08/2005 | 4 Comments

Hello everyone, I am in a pickle. a couple of months ago I spent 2 weeks in the hospital to catch a seizure. I was already scheduled for surgery but...
Multiple Subpial Transections, anyone??

07/2005 | 7 Comments

I have reflex reading epilepsy, which has been extremely difficult to treat since I was diagnosed 3 years ago. Have gone through drug after drug. Have...
VNS threapy: Is it for me?

07/2005 | 6 Comments

Hello All,I am a 40 year old male who has had E all of my life. I am dealing with it well, sometimes (like all of us), I wish I didnt have E. I know...
Epilepsy Treatment Plan

07/2005 | 0 Comments

Several years after my seizures started in 1987, I started believing that it had something to do with my digestive system. Ever since July 1994, I...

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