Share My Seizure


Remember #StaySafeSide For Seizure First Aid.

"Will you join the team and learn what to do?"

The first steps are providing comfort, giving general care and keeping the person safe: #StaySafeSide. The steps are simple and anyone can do them.

Download The Seizure First Aid Poster

  1. STAY with the person and start timing the seizure. Remain calm and check for medical ID.
  2. Keep the person SAFE. Move or guide away from harmful objects.
  3. Turn the person onto their SIDE if they are not awake and aware. Don’t block airway, put something small and soft under the head, loosen tight clothes around neck.
  4. Do NOT put anything in their mouth. Don’t give water, pills or food until the person is awake.
  5. Do NOT restrain.
  6. STAY with them until they are awake and alert after the seizure. Most seizures end in a few minutes.

When to Call 911

  • Seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
  • Repeated seizures
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizure occurs in water
  • Person is injured, pregnant, or sick
  • Person does not return to their usual state
  • First time seizure

15-second PSA

30-second PSA

Previously on #ShareMySeizure

#ShareMySeizure launched in November 2016 for National Epilepsy Awareness Month. It introduced everyone to Wendy and Sarah, who wanted everyone to understand what epilepsy is and that there are many different types of seizures. The following PSAs aired on the CBS station in Chicago, with digital/social media placements nationwide. In November 2017, the PSAs expanded to include the CBS station in Philadelphia.

"“I have epilepsy. And I’d like to share my seizure with you. I want you to see it so you won’t be afraid. - Wendy"
"“I have epilepsy and I had a seizure on live TV. If I can help anyone, I would be willing to show it a million times over. - Sarah"

Learn More

Did You Know There Are Many Types Of Seizures And They Look Very Different?

    Many different things can occur during a seizure. Whatever the brain and body can do normally can also occur during a seizure. Learn about the different types of seizures and epilepsy syndromes on the pages below. Then share the pages with others to help them understand the spectrum of epilepsy.


    Could You Have Epilepsy And Not Know It?

      Approximately 1 in 26 people in the United States will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime. Epilepsy strikes regardless of age, gender, or race. Help others understand the facts about epilepsy and seizures by sharing these pages.


      This program is made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under cooperative grant agreement number 5 NU58DP006256-04-00, CFDA 93.850. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC. The views and information provided in this guide are solely those of the Epilepsy Foundation and should in no way be deemed as substitution for medical advice.

      Reviewed By:

      Epilepsy Foundation Marketing & Communications

      on Friday, February 28, 2020


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